3CX IDD Pin Based Dialing

3CX IDD Pin Based Dialing April 18, 2018 -

Dialling via the pin number has made it easier to make calls. With the help of a special access code, you can permit an extension to make an IDD call in the outbound rule where Mr.Voip will take care of the rest of the operation and help make your call.

The pin is 3CX’s voicemail pin number. The extension user has to key in the voicemail pin to access calls through IDD where,

  • The accountability will be very clear

  • It is highly secure in case of any network breach

  • You can customize your usage per extension

  • Administrative facilities are easily manageable


For more understanding of this feature, check out the flow.


3cx pin code dialing 


The above Flow chart indicates that, the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) allows creating the Call Flow Designer (CFD) for pin code dialling, by making the call validate the pin code from the database, then fetching the pin code from the database with CFD and then allowing making calls. The other option is that the pin codes are checked from 3CX and allowed to make the calls. It is not necessary to maintain a separate database for the pin codes.


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